Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Vigil, March 30, 2013

It felt like Christmas - a sumptuous meal, a special Mass, time with family and friends, a joyous time.  Snra Martha prepared with her culinary flair, a delicious glazed ham,  white and sweet baked potatoes, asparagus with ginger and garlic, jello with cabbage and sweet pineapple, home baked breads, along with squid balls and Molo soup by Felipe and Avic,  a delicious salad by Janet,   and was enjoyed by all including Jim, Mauricio and us before the Easter Vigil mass at St Edward's Church.  Dessert was reserved after the vigil as we were short of time with all the talk, laughter and eating.

The Church was bedecked with flowers,  in contrast to the bare Church the past days of the Triduum.    

The Easter Vigil, albeit long, is beautiful and a meaningful service. It marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the end of Lent. It is composed of (1) The Service of Light, (2) Liturgy of the Word, (3) Liturgy of Baptism, (4) Liturgy of the Eucharist.

(1) The Service of Light: The Church was dim.   We went out to the Entrance where prayers were said, and the Pascal Candle was lit from a new fire, a bonfire.  Our candles were then lighted from the Paschal Candle. This is the big, tall candle, from which light is the source for all lights for baptisms, weddings, funerals, confirmations, the Eucharist during the next whole year. The Paschal candle symbolizes Christ, the Light of the World.

(2) Liturgy of the Word: Nine readings are typically read, seven Old Testament and two New Testament. These readings espouse the goodness of God, help us reflect on His wonderful works since the beginning of time. The readings were 1) the story of creation, Gen 1:1-2; 2; 2) Abraham and Isaac, Gen 22:1-18; 3) Crossing of the Red Sea, Exodus 14:15–15:1; 4) Isaiah 54:5-14; 5) Isaiah 55:1-11; 6) Baruch 3:9-15.32–4:4; 7) Ezekiel 36:16-17.18-28; 8) Romans 6:3-11; and 9) Gospel reading Mark 16:1-7.   I think readings 6,7, 8 were not read in the interest of time.

Father 's homily was brief and succint,  talking about Jesus giving wholly of himself  for us up to death,  and now rising to life;  and mentioning  the new members of St. Edwards soon to be baptized and confirmed.

(3) Liturgy of Baptism
Easter water was blessed, the newest members of St Edwards (from young kids to adults) were baptized at the baptismal font,  confirmed and recognized around the altar,  a very touching moment.  We renewed our baptismal vows.

(4) Liturgy of Eucharist
The Mass is resumed with Easter prayers. The Gloria is said again. The church bells silent since Holy Thursday, are vigorously rang again. Holy water is in the fonts again. The Easter Vigil lasted about 2 hours and 15 minutes,  but time is immaterial.

Halleluia, the Lord is risen!

We went back to Snra's place,  enjoying her desserts of Lemon pie, Tocino del cielo, and my usual gulaman, lychee and buko drink. We stayed till 1 a.m.

Happy Easter to all!  Peace, graces, and light.

Source: http://www.catholicculture and experience.

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